College Principal Chris Leadbetter says farewell for 2024
On Friday 8 March, College Principal Chris Leadbetter passed the baton to College Principal (Acting) Ben Lowrie as Chris commences a nine-month secondment for EREA Colleges Ltd.
Ben is excited about the opportunity to lead Brisbane’s largest single sex school in Chris’ absence:
‘The opportunity to lead the St Laurence’s community is both and honour and privilege’ commented Ben.
‘I am excited to be able to continue Chris' work in his absence and look forward to actualising our new strategic plan in 2024.’
‘I am also grateful to have both an outstanding staff and College Leadership Team to be able to support me during this time and congratulate Chris on his secondment.’
Ben has been Acting Principal at St Laurence’s College on two other occasions since his commencement as Deputy Principal in 2021. Ben has a wealth of experience including teaching in the UK plus roles as Head of House, Acting Head of Sport and prior to Lauries, 10 years as Vice-Rector at Padua College.
‘I am delighted that Ben Lowrie will act as Principal in my absence’ commented Chris.
‘Ben understands our mission. He is relatable and strategic in his approach to school leadership. The school is in safe hands under Ben’s stewardship.’
Chris' new role as EREA Colleges Regional Director of Education in Western Australia and South Australia will take him to Adelaide where he will oversee seven Colleges. The secondment position will conclude in December 2024 with Chris to return in time for the commencement of the 2025 school year.