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Pastoral care is a distinctive cultural characteristic of a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition and, accordingly, is a fundamental part of St Laurence’s College.

At St Laurence’s College, the welfare of every boy is paramount. The College fosters an ethos which encourages students to pursue their studies with purpose and confidence, through personal excellence in all they do. Great value is placed on developing positive characteristics which are conducive to learning, whilst providing 21st Century skills for success outside the classroom.

Pastoral Care is considered an integral part of all teaching and learning experiences at Lauries and as such, all staff play a vital role in the holistic development of students. As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition, the College's pastoral group works with all members of the Lauries community to fulfil the Edmund Rice charism.

A New Era of Pastoral Care and Learning 

2019 marked a new era of pastoral care and learning at St Laurence’s College, with the introduction of the vertical House system, which is aimed at fostering students’ welfare, growth and instilling community values. Follow the link below to learn more.