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“Peace, justice and preservation of creation are three absolutely interconnected themes which cannot be separated or treated individually” (Pope Francis, Laudato Si’)

The St Laurence's College Faith in Action program combines our core Catholic beliefs and grounds these in service. It is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and Edmund Rice and teaches compassion, justice, and peace. The Faith in Action initiative helps the school community to practice the Catholic Christian story and builds a feeling of service and purpose.

Faith in Action is guided by the Edmund Rice Touchstones of Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community and Justice and Solidarity. Through service we seek to turn the Catholic Christian story into practical actions, encouraging our community to follow Jesus and Edmund Rice by recognizing and nurturing the holiness and wellbeing of whole people and whole communities.

Each year level from Years 7-12 has a theme connected to a Catholic Social Teaching and a specific curriculum focus, with an opportunity for active service that stems from this learning.

Our students are also invited to participate in our community outreach initiatives, including:

  • 42 For 42 – Support for Veterans 
  • MND & Me Foundation
  • Emmanuel City Mission – Lunch and Breakfast Service 
  • Mini Vinnies 
  • Super Chef 
  • Rosies Outreach Service
  • Ronald McDonald House Kids Club
  • Edmund Rice Head 2 Heart Camps with Stuartholme Collge
  • Eat Up – School Lunch Program
  • Care Kit For Kids 
  • Romero Centre Support and Service
  • Queensland Children Schools Hospital 
  • St Brendan’s Marooka Stationary Support & Breakfast Program
  • Multicultural Day at Runcorn 
  • Sony Camp
  • Nursery Road Special School Dance and Graduation 
  • Visits to Special Schools and local Primary schools
  • Vietnam & East Timor Immersions
  • International Women’s Day forum with Loreto College